Saturday, November 7, 2009

The power of Red!

X-cricket overdrive

This is just to give a slight idea of how the cheering and the sport spirit prevailed on the high energy night of X-Cricket. X – Cricket is an intra-game cricket match with the rules as crazy, whacky, wild, eccentric, extreme and outrageous as the players participating in it. The match between skill city and kurukshetra was a sight to see. We skillers were in high spirits, dressed in our colours of yellow and red, united by the passion towards our game skill city, cheering for it by bursting crackers, whistling till our heads felt dizzy, waving pomp-pomp and holding aloft skill flags. On the other hand, we had the trash lined up from within which we could hear the meek cheers of kurus who were so short of ideas to support their team that they had to resort to stealing our ideas and even our material. Gladiators who were just a while back declared losers in their match against Spardha were as always so high on ‘walking alone’ that they didn’t even come to the rescue of their game member who did the foolish mistake of daring to insult the skillers. Helios was nowhere to be seen but that’s understandable as they are yet to graduate to our level.

Even though we didn’t take home the cup, we felt a sense of achievement. The whole experience got us, skillers, closer to each other and we were much more passionate about our game.


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