Sunday, October 25, 2009

Chapter 01 - Reprise

From the diary of a Skiller

"They say it’s the toughest test of your soft skills. Catchy phrase which lived up to its expectations completely the moment our seniors unveiled their games .We realized that the bar was high and it wouldn’t be easy performing here. So it was imperative to give in our best. But it’s always easier said than done. The best doesn’t come out by merely wishing for it. One and half month into the process and we were still struggling to get along. The game we had designed wasn’t one which could have had an undisputed execution. Finally it was scrapped. It was disappointing to the hilt since almost everyone else had come out with something substantial.

Now these are moments which drive you, push you to perform, to prove yourself. The script was laid, we just obliged. We slogged, brainstormed, proposed ideas and denied them and finally one day there was a game. A game which brought for us recognition and applause."

- Shailendra

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