Monday, October 26, 2009

Skill City Prelims - Starts at 2330 hrs

Finally the moment that we all had been waiting for, The Skill City Prelims.

The Duration of the prelims is 60 minutes starting at 2330 hrs.

1. Format for naming the attachment:


2. Format for the subject of the mail:

Skill City Prelims Application - institutename_teamname

3. In the mail give the details of team name, team members, institute name

4. Also mention your team name in the Excel template provided

To download the Prelims questions and the Answer templates please use the following links.

Both Files (Mediafire Links)

Answer Sheet (link1) (link2)

Questions prelims (Link1) (Link2)

Alternate Link (ftp)

Remember you have to mail the answers back to the Skill City email id : before 0030 hrs.

Thanks & Reagrds

Team Skill

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