Sunday, October 25, 2009

Chapter 01

An Extract from the diary of a skiller

"When I attended the skill city launch ’09, I was enthralled seeing the aura of skill city. I knew that if it’s any game committee I wanted to be part of that had to be SKILL CITY. Well, that’s how I became a part of skill city. Every day in skill city was fun. It just added to the memories we will surely cherish in the future. It was not all about fun though, we also pitched in a lot of hard work and creativity into our games .The participants will surely come to know about it. Many games have been scrapped to get the right set of amazing games we finally zeroed in. My team had also come up with many game ideas – some weird (well I still remember the hot wheels game we had suggested), some not feasible (like the tricycle game – The participants were supposed to assemble a tri-cycle using scrap items and then attempt to race with them) and some turned out to be gold. Our game, cross amaze that was finalized is one of them. Well we are sure; the people playing the game will be truly amazed."

- Priyanka

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