Sunday, October 25, 2009

Journey of a Skiller - Part II

Now, the core committee called all of us for the first ever skill meeting, and we were asked to prepare a list of all the soft skills that could be tested. Pooh! Such an easy task! Any layman could do it, right? Thinking thus, I never prepared the list. I mean, come on.. Who does? So, confidently my team and I barged into CR-7. And then, when we had to list down the skills, and had to explain how exactly is it quantifiable, we were left thinking. Man, this is not as easy as it looks. Finding out various skills to test, and the ways of testing them was a bit tough. (OK, ok, I will be honest.. It was a little more difficult than I made it sound here).

And now, with all the different skills listed out on the board in front of us, we thought we could go. But no! The seniors had another torture (if I may say so), lined up for us!!! We had to share our most embarrassing moments to one another! I was wondering.. Should I say my moment #1, or moment #2? I finally settled in for moment #10.. I felt that it was wayyyyyyy safer for me.. My God, when I heard the moments of some other skillers, I was splitting with laughter!! I had developed stitches on my stomach just by Vikas's story!! Someday, when I find the time, I will tell it to you.. Till then, ciao! :)

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