Sunday, October 25, 2009

Journey of a Skiller

The launch of Skill City (SC) is something that I cannot forget. It was spectacular!! There are no other words to describe it. Any game that started off with Bhangra was something that I HAD to be a part of. So, when the mail from SC arrived, asking us to submit our SOPs, I was one of the first people I guess to complete my SOP. But still, it took me a long, long time before I could send it across! Why? Because I was re-reading it for maybe the ‘n’th time. I wanted it to be the perfect SOP ever. Did I make a good job out of it? I don’t think so. I was not (and still am not) personally satisfied with the kind of shoddy work that I churned out. (Euch! How can anyone even read that??)

So, when I finally received a mail from SC, providing me a schedule of the interviews, I was relieved beyond words. I was the 6th person to be interviewed on the first day (yeah, the interviews went on for 2 days!! The number of applicants were more than 70!!). When my number came up, I was pretty nervous. I wanted this interview to be very good. I wanted to get into Skill. And then, the stress interview began. I messed it up (as usual, I am no good at stress interviews, I guess). By the time I came out of CR-1, I was dejected. Heart-broken, actually. Only a person as stupid as me could screw an interview. I had lost hopes of being selected by SC at all, and was thinking of applying to some other game, but then Lady Luck smiled on me.But then, to my surprise, I was selected! J Ahh.. Life couldn't have been better!!

1 comment:

  1. To be entirely honest, my interview was totally laughable as well. In fact, I could relate to what you said rather well. I mean the ice breaker question involved rakhi sawant. It caught me so off guard, I screwed up :D Anyway here we all are :)
