Sunday, October 25, 2009

Skill City Prelims on 26th October @ 2330 hrs

The D Day is approaching.

Today, on the twenty sixth of October aspiring skillers are supposed to cross the first hurdle to get to the coveted crown of Skill City Champions. The Skill City prelims will take place tonight. We invite you to come play the game that is our pride and glory. Qualifying teams will move to the final rounds to be held during Xpressions '09. (13th-15th November)

Registrations for Skill City are still open. To register for Skill City follow the procedure given below:

Skill City Registrations

Step 1: Go to Click on the login tab. Register. Here your login id is the email id given.

Step 2: Once the main registration is done, login with your credentials

Step 3 (Event Registration): Click on the login tab again. Click on event registration. Select an event (Skill City in this case). Enter all details. Please note the team id (XIM/XPRE/09/##). This id should be used to login for a team for an event.

Step 4 (Team login): Login with your team id (Format: XIM/XPRE/09/##) and password. You can view updates, downloads (prelims). Please note that the prelims are to be downloaded from here at the time specified.

Details of the events are also available on

For regular event updates visit our online events partner

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The Maze has been lit. All you need is to find your way to the other side.

1 comment:

  1. Tonight is the launch of Skill City - Do not miss it for anything in the world...
